Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Kayak Fishing Expedition in Kyuquot Sound August 2018

Yes, I caught this Chinook from my Romany sea kayak.

Sometime in 2017 Justine Curgenven suggested that I go kayak fishing with JF Marleau. She said she knew I'd love it. So I looked up the information on the kinds of kayak fishing trips he leads. A number of them sound great. I ended up going for their five day trip salmon fishing in Kyuquot sound in the northwest of Vancouver Island the first week of August 2018.

It turned out to be an amazing trip. I enjoyed the journey getting there and hanging out in Victoria, BC, the campingon Spring Island, kayaking in amazing wild country that I'd never seen, fishing from my kayak, and the great people I spent the week with.

JF Marleau led us fishing and the camp on Spring Island in Kyuquot Sound was run by his friends at West Coast Expeditions.

I've put a few pictures from this trip in the following posts. These photos were taken by me and JF Marleau.

Traveling to Fair Harbour

Settling in on Spring Island

Fishing in Kyuquot Sound

I'd never been that far north in Canada. Here's a quick map view of where we were camped:

And here's a zoomed-in view:

Yes, we were out there.

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