Friday, July 20, 2018

Traditional music in Plockton

Gordon Brown's daughter Eilidh attends a highly respected music school in Plockton called Sgoil Chiùil na Gàidhealtachd that focuses on traditional Scottish music.  On Saturday night, June 30th they had their end-of-year performance and as luck would have it I was in the area so was able to attend.

I'd never been to Plockton. I'd been in the area a number of times, but just not made it here. (Take a look on the map -- it's not on the way to anywhere.) Turns out it's a nice little fishing village. It's got one well-regarded restaurant that I made it to the next night. Here are a few pictures:

In the parking lot of the school I ran into a friendly local cat:

The students did a great job with their performance:

The next night I came back to try the Plockton Inn. It's a nice old-school restaurant serving good local seafood. The weather was much nicer on Sunday than the day before. What a difference a day can make in the views.

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